PSF7 stats and trivia:
14 males / 10 females
23 of the 24 will find their first home in PSF
1 story was written after an author realized she was broke (I have every faith she has recovered since then, folks!)
1 story is the last leg of a troika of erotica (it rhymes!) written over a period of 3 years
3 stories are from first time fiction authors
1 story's idea was stolen from a pastor's sermon
1 story is the last short fiction the author will be writing until he finishes his novel
0 stories were from time travelling Filipino Vikings (darn it, I was hoping with the numbers we would have at least 1!).
Philippine Speculative Fiction 7: Lineup!
1. All That We May See by Kenneth Yu
2. All the Best of Dark and Bright by Isabel Yap
3. Bastard Sword by Nikki Alfar
4. Chasers by Chris Mariano
5. East of the Sun by Dean Francis Alfar
6. Faith in Fiction by James Constantino Bautista
7. Mother of Monsters by Philip Corpuz
8. Never Land by Mo Francisco
9. Oblation by Paolo Chikiamco
10. Pet by Kristine Ong Muslim
11. Sarsarita Time by Melissa Sipin
12. The Call of the Chained God by Dariel Quiogue
13. The Changes by Benito Vergara
14. The Commute to Paradiso by Charles Tan
15. The Day Nostalgia Swept Over a Town by F. Jordan Carnice
16. Dragon's Orb by Vincent Michael Simbulan
17. The Likeness of God by Crystal Koo
18. The Little Things the Datu Did by Andrew Drilon
19. The Love Spell by Julian dela Cerna
20. The Nature of Apocalypse by Joseph Anthony Montecillo
21. The Scrap Collectors by Arlynn Despi
22. username: tanglaw by Eliza Victoria
23. What the Body Remembers by Tin Lao
24. What You See by Ian Rosales Casocot
Now, if any of you can guess by title alone (well, and what little clues I have given), on which story is which based on the trivia above, I will believe that you have some secret mind power; or, at the very least, that you have secretly hacked my email. Seriously, if you can, by the power of your gut feel, guess which one's which, you can win a copy of Philippine Speculative Fiction vol. 6 (PSF6) which I will give during the launch. Send your guesses to kate.osias at :)
PSF6 News
The anthology has garnered positive reviews, with several bloggers / editors / writers voicing their opinions and favorite stories in the antho. (RocketKapre keeps track with a number of them; go to this website if interested The most recent news bit was from GMA News Online (by Mean Ortiz), which named PSF6 (along with Alternative Alamat edited by PSF contributor Paolo Chikiamco and Heartbreak & Magic by PSF contributor Ian Rosales Casocot) as one of the notable books of 2011. Yay! :)
And... that's it for now folks. Tune in for more updates on the launch! :)