Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Shameless Plugging: Two stories out
Monday, September 26, 2011
PSF7: 5 days to go! and Other Matters
Monday, May 30, 2011
Philippine Speculative Fiction volume 7
People are still basking in the afterglow of the successful book launch of PSF6 (you can read about it here, here and pictures here), which makes this the best time to open our virtual doors for the next volume: Philippine Speculative Fiction volume 7 (PSF7), to be edited by yours truly and fellow writer, action-adventure-sci-fi enthusiast (and also my husband!), Alex Osias, is now officially open for submissions.
Please read the guidelines below. Don't be afraid to email or facebook me (yes, I have declared 'facebook' to be a verb), if you have questions.
On a related note, PSF6 immediately sold out last Saturday. We are thinking of doing another print run, so if you want a copy or several, drop me a note so that I can forward it to our publisher, Dean Alfar.
Editors Alex and Kate Osias invite you to submit short fiction for consideration for Philippine Speculative Fiction volume 7.
Philippine Speculative Fiction is a yearly anthology series, which collects a wide range of stories that define, explore, and sometimes blur the boundaries of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and all things in between. The anthology has been shortlisted for the Manila Critics’ Circle National Book Award, and multiple stories from each volume have been cited in roundups of the year’s best speculative fiction across the globe.
First-time authors are more than welcome to submit; good stories trump literary credentials any time.
Submissions must be:
1. speculative fiction—i.e., they must contain strong elements or sensibilities of science fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism, alternate history, folklore, superheroes, and/or related ‘nonrealist’ genres and subgenres
2. written in English
3. authored by persons of Philippine ethnicity and/or nationality
Submissions are preferred to be:
1. original and unpublished
2. no shorter than 1,000 words and no longer than 7,500
3. written for an adult audience
In all cases, these preferences can be easily overturned by exceptionally well-written pieces. In the case of previously-published work—if accepted, the author will be expected to secure permission to reprint, if necessary, from the original publishing entity, and to provide relevant publication information.
Submission details:
1. No multiple or simultaneous submissions—i.e., submit only one story, and do not submit that story to any other publishing market until you have received a letter of regret from us. We don’t mind if you submit to contests.
2. All submissions should be in Rich Text Format (saved under the file extension ‘.rtf’), and emailed to kate.osias at gmail.com, with the subject line ‘PSF7 submission’.
3. The deadline for submissions is midnight, Manila time, September 30, 2011. Letters of acceptance or regret will be sent out no later than one month after the deadline.
Editors’ notes:
1. Please don’t forget to indicate your real name in the submission email! If you want to write under a pseudonym, that’s fine, but this can be discussed upon story acceptance. Initially, we just need to know who we’re talking to.
2. If you’d like to write a cover letter with your brief bio and publishing history (if applicable), do feel free to introduce yourself—but not your story, please. If it needs to be explained, it’s probably not ready to be published.
3. We advise authors to avoid fancy formatting—this will just be a waste of your time and ours, since we will, eventually, standardize fonts and everything else to fit our established house style.
There will be compensation for selected stories, but we’ve yet to determine exactly what. In previous years, we’ve provided contributor copies of the book, as well as small royalty shares, but we are considering shifting Philippine Speculative Fiction to digital format, so we may be shifting to outright financial payment as well.
Please help spread the word!
Alex and Kate Osias, co-editors
Dean Alfar, publisher
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
PSF 6: Lineup Announcement
- Alternative Histories by Ian Rosales Casocot
- Strange Adventures in Procreation by Andrew Drilon
- Lament of the Counselor by Jay Anyong
- The Grim Malkin by Vincent Michael Simbulan
- A Smell of Mothballs by Mailin Paterno
- Ashland by Elyss G. Punsalan
- Carpaccio (or, Repentance as a Meat Recipe) by Arlynn Despi
- Eternal Winter by Maria Pia Vibar Benosa
- From the Book of Names My Mother Did Not Give Me by Christine V. Lao
- Hollowbody by Crystal Koo
- Offerings to Aman Sinaya by Andrei Tupaz
- On Wooden Wings by Paolo Chikiamco
- Prisoner 2501 by Philip Corpuz
- Resurrection by Victor Fernando R. Ocampo
- Simon's Replica by Dean Alfar
- Break in at Batay Street by Francis Gabriel Concepcion
- The Big Man by Asterio Gutierrez
- The Bookshelves of Mrs. Go by Charles Tan
- The Impossible and the R.S.C. Gregorio del Pilar by Alex Osias
- The Kiddie Pool by Kenneth Yu
- The Storyteller's Curse by Eliza Victoria
- Villainoguing by Joseph Montecillo